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Welcome to BOGIRI

The Mission of Bogiri

The Mission of BOGIRI

BOGIRI is a non-profit non-governmental organization with the mission to increase the engagement of the local population with the activities affecting the life in the community of Bogiri.


The members of BOGIRI board will take a lead to organize various social, cultural and informational events aimed at promoting connectivity within the community.


BOGIRI is committed to remember the past, engage with the present, and strive for the better future of the community.


About the Bogiri Community


The Bogiri community is a collection of neighbourhoods located at the South-Easter slopes of the Caucasus  Mountains.


Geography: Mountain Range (including Ilia's Gora), River, man-made Barier (Dumba).


History: Basilica of Dolojobi - Roman Era; Gateway from Dagestani - Erekle II era; Grain Mills - Ilia's Era; Russian Garnizone - Soviet Era.


Population - few thousands; mainly Georgian, but also families with Armenian, Greek, Russian, Kurdish ancestry; diaspora - Russia, Ukrain, Germany, Iraly, Greece, USA, Canada.


Economy - family based and small enterprise oriented; agriculture and tourism.


Culture - winemaking (family traditions); hospitality and supra traditions; Georgian polyphony (Irakli Maticashvili); community traditional celebrations (Tsiricaant Sakdroba, Iliaoba).


Education - informal, community based (Ubani); formal, 3rd School of Kvarely (presently deconstructed) - the dedicated group of teachers raising the generations of Bogiri community; Justice Institute.


Sports - Free Style Wrestling traditions with national and international recognition (Tamaz Konchosvili, Malxaz Rozomashvili, Giorgi Ivanishvili, Avtandil Jujushvili, Mamuka Sazanishvili); local sports competitions (3rd school students with the guidance of Badur Molashvili).


Human Resources - self-tough and formally trained; handyman, builders, carpenters, yard-workers, small scale farmers, artists, teachers, doctors, archeologists.


Politics - has a representation in local government;  strives to advocate for the needs of Bogiri community.



Activities of BOGIRI



The BOGIRI was established on March 09, 2021.



Visiting Baslica of Dolojobi with Archeologist Dr. .....



Meeting with the US Embassador and presenting the poster about Basilica of Dolojobi.



Visiting the Bogiri kindergarden on International Children's Day on June 1, 2021.



Members of BOGIRI


George Ivanishvili - director.


Nino Tciricashvili - member.


Nicoloz Japoshvili - member.


Simon Chichoshvili - memeber.


Giorgi Shioshvili - member.


Besiki Chixradze - member.

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